Mental, as in mental prep

I’ve been losing sleep a lot lately. Partially, I’m sure, due to excitement and worry about my upcoming pilgrimage. It is making me a tad cranky and foggy, but I’ll muddle through. A friend, Rick, who is a trained hypnotist came over to help we ease off some of my worries and help me relax enough to sleep through hypnotism. We’ll see how it goes…

I still have so much to do in the next little bit as my family will be joining me in Spain after the walk and I have to organise all their paperwork and plans also as well as worry about lodgings. We are playing this trip by ear. We’ve never been big travelers, but in the past all of our small trips were minutely planned out and booked. For this trip we are trying to be more carefree. Carefree we are not normally, and it’s taking some effort to take a step back and take a breath.

A lot of small things have been swirling my mind too: find a stone, pack and re-pack, bring this or bring that, etc, etc…