Sneaking up on me…

Only three months and four days, as of this post, until the Camino. It is kind of sneaking up on me.

Equipment is down to the last few items of clothing. I’m waffling on the shoes (do I really need ankle high or not) and the pants. I’m really liking the North Face Paramounts, but they are pricey… Regardless, I hope to have the clothes finished this week one way or another.

Kieran has decided not to walk with me, which is okay. If it is not his path he shouldn’t take it. But I have to admit I was hoping. He’s getting so much older and I’m sure that soon he will be spending more time away from us than with us.

The plane tickets have been bought for my trip as well as the tickets to Madrid for Sandy and the kids. I just have to book them the Vueling flight from Madrid to Santiago de Compestella. I also have my first and second night’s lodging booked in St. Jean at L’Esprit du Chemin. I wanted two nights to acclimatize to the region and time-zone.

I also have my mother’s flight to Germany and back booked. She will be attending a school reunion and then sight-seeing in Germany and showing us the area my family is from.